Underground Action Calendar

Deep Green Resistance maintains an international Underground Action Calendar to publicize and normalize the use of militant and underground tactics in the fight for justice and sustainability. Below, we excerpt actions from the area covered by the Colorado Plateau chapter of Deep Green Resistance. Listing an action does not necessarily mean we support the goals, strategies, or tactics of those actionists.

See also our Resistance Profiles for broader information on the strategies, tactics, goals, and effectiveness of various historic and contemporary resistance groups.

If you know of a published action appropriate to add to the Calendar, contact us at undergroundpromotion@deepgreenresistance.org

NOTE: We ONLY accept communications about actions that are already publicly known in one form or another. DO NOT send original communiques directly to this email address. THIS IS NOT A SECURE MEANS OF COMMUNICATION.

2015-02-25FlagstaffArizonaUSFiber-optic line supplying data to much of northern AZ severedhttp://www.cbsnews.com/news/arizona-internet-phone-lines-centurylink-fiber-optic-line-cut-vandalism/000000000001000000001000
2016-09-25KanabUtahUSSniper shoots the cooling radiator on a substation transformer, disabling the transformer for monthshttp://www.deseretnews.com/article/865663594/Power-company-offers-rare-50K-reward-for-information-on-vandalism.html000000000000000000110000
1988-09-25Grand CanyonArizonaUSGroup cuts thirty-four power poles, disrupting power at three uranium mines, perhaps contributing to mine closurehttps://www.start.umd.edu/gtd/search/IncidentSummary.aspx?gtdid=198809250009000000000001001000000100
1986-05-14Palo VerdeArizonaUSMetal-weighted ropes thrown onto wires to short circuit high voltage power lineshttps://www.start.umd.edu/gtd/search/IncidentSummary.aspx?gtdid=198605140015000000000001001000000000
1981-07-04MoabUtahUSThree 345 kV transmission towers cut and toppledhttp://www.landrights.org/ALRA.oregon.eco-terrorism.htm000000000001001000000100
2015-03-00BakersfieldCaliforniaUSUnknown attackers on two successive nights cut through perimeter fence, then cut wiring for transformers, alarms, and motorshttps://www.kget.com/kc-in-depth/kern-county-in-depth-power-grid-vulnerability/283504922000000000001000000010000
2016-12-28La SalUtahUSCopper thieves damage substation enough to force a more than four hour outagehttps://www.rockymountainpower.net/about/nr/nr2017/copper-theft.html000000000001000000010000